Valentine's Day
2009 February 14
Created by Anne 15 years ago
You always made this a special day - OUR day. Last year on this day our lives changed forever. You had a niggly cough and Fiona (our GP) sent you for a chest xray and they told you there and then you had a tumour in the lung. Little did we know that just 14 weeks later you would leave me forever. I found this poem on the internet and thought it was very appropriate for today.
Do roses grow in heaven, Lord, perfect in every way?
Is there a pretty red one that you could pick today?
I'd like it for my Johnnie that joined you in heaven high.
Would you give it with a note but please don't tell him that I cry?
Red was his favorite rose, he gave to me with a kiss.
I can still smell the fragrance, as I sit here and reminisce.
My eyes still get teary for I miss him very much.
If only for a moment, I could once more feel his touch.
Remembering our love is easy, as I do it every day,
but my heart still has an ache that will never go away.
So if you have some roses, please save a red one,
and tell my love I'll join him, when my life on earth is done.
I love you so much darling - thank you for a wonderful married life. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx