WATCHING OVER ME......... Well my darling, I had a car accident on 3 September driving to Louise's! I was only 5 minutes away when I blacked out and came too in terrible pain. I have demolished a brick wall - which can be rebuilt, written my car off - which can be replaced and caused trauma to my body, our family and friends! I'm sure you were watching over me and thought "oh my god, she's going to have an accident" and veered me to the left. If I had veered to the right I would have driven into oncoming traffic and may have caused lots of other families trauma!!!!! I was taken by ambulance to Guildford hospital and have a fractured spine, 2 broken ribs and multiple bruising - I am so lucky to get off so light. I am in a steel brace for approximately 3 months and when it's not on I have to lie completely flat on my back with one pillow under my head. The hospital were brilliant and are now investigating why I blacked out and until they can confirm I am not able to drive again until I get permission from a medical expert to produce to the DVLA. I was in the trauma orthopaedic ward and everyone was brilliant - what a good hospital - far better than St Peters!!! I so miss you and cried for you every day to comfort me. I have to look on the bright side though - I have 2 arms, 2 legs and a head that functions - it's the bit that links them together that's broken! I was not allowed to go home to live on my own so am living at Graham and Maria's for a bit longer as they have to put the brace on every day and take it off. Keep watching over me my darling until we're together again. Love and miss you so much. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx