Sent by Gail on 12/03/2009

My memories of you John are all of you laughing, that's all i see when i think of you. Life has changed so much in the year since we last saw you, especially for Anne and your ever loving family. David only met you the once but he was looking forward to coming back to see you and Anne, you made him feel very welcome when we visited you the morning after Helens 40th birthday party, little did we know we'd never get the chance to come back for a visit and a cuppa. Anne and Helen have just been up to see us for a wee visit and to meet our beautiful new Daughter Ava, Anne talked about your love of being a father and how great and supportive you were when they were all babies, Granny Annie as we now call her even showed David how to change nappies on his knee just like you used to. If David can be half the father you were then our little girl will have all the love and care imagineable. You'd be very proud of Anne, she keeps your memory very much alive and through the tears there's always laughter, impossible not to be when you were such a fun loving man. I'll miss you coming to pick me up from the hotel in your dirty old red van when i had time off during a trip to take me to see Helen, you were always so cheeky and said you hoped it wasn't to down market for a hosty to be travelling in, a geordie lass can hardly be posh! Your a huge miss John, a void never to be filled. Loads of love, Gail xxxx