Sent by Martin on 25/11/2008

Its just passed 6 months since you have gone Dad and I miss you so much, we all do. I never imagined life without you Dad - I always thought you would always be here. Everyday we have to pass another hurdle in our life with you not there and its so hard when you have always been there for us all. Christmas is coming and its going to be very hard for all of us especally Mum. You would be very proud of Mum she is trying to keep so strong for us all. I know she has her moments when she is by herself we all do. I put the Christmas tree up in the salon today and put the lights up on the bungalow for Mum yesterday as I know Christmas was one of the times you loved. Doing all the decorations around the house was something you always did for us when we were kids and we always had the biggest tree. I think I take after you for that Dad. Miss you so much Dad - wish you were here. Love you loads Martin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx